***As of 2024 Canteen is currently not in operation due to building works***
Healthy Eating and Right Bite compliant school food service.
The canteen is open two days per week, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9am – 2pm.
Seaview Downs Primary School Canteen, the Seahorse Cafe is a not-for-profit food service operated by the school’s Governing Council. The canteen offers both a pre-ordered lunch service (lunch orders), an an over-the-counter snack and drink service during recess and lunch. The Seahorse Cafe menu offers a range of popular healthy meals and snacks, with many items being freshly prepared on-site. Our menu aims to reflect and support the healthy eating curriculum taught in the classroom and complies with both the DECD Right Bite Healthy Food and Drink Supply Policy for schools and preschools and the Seaview Downs Primary School Healthy Eating Policy. All items on our menu fit into the green and amber sections of the Right Bite Food Spectrum.
This menu aims to support, promote and model healthy eating habits by:
- Promoting fruit and vegetables,
- Encouraging healthy grains/cereal foods, particularly whole grains (all bread and rolls are wholemeal / whole grain),
- Promoting dairy,
- Using reduced fat dairy where possible,
- Only selling ice creams which have milk as their first listed ingredient,
- Ensuring that all juice and frozen juice products are 99% or 100% juice, with a serve size of 250ml or less, and
- Limiting red and amber type products on the menu.
Food allergies are meticulously catered for in consultation with parents.
How to order lunches from the canteen
Children and staff are able to order food from the canteen via two methods:
The ‘brown bag’ system
- Orders are to be written on the paper bags and must be placed in the class lunch crate at the start of the day. Please place (preferably correct) money wrapped up inside the bag.
Online ordering (lunches only)
- Download the QRK! app and log in to your account – details for creating an online account with our canteen are available through the link or by following these instructions.
- Online ordering is available 24/7 and up to 4 weeks in advance.
- The cut-off for online orders is 8 am on the day of the order.
Volunteering at the canteen
While we are fortunate enough to have a canteen manager, any help from volunteers is greatly appreciated to ensure we can maintain reasonable prices. If you are prepared to help in the canteen, please contact the school office. Your offer will be greatly appreciated!